Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 21, 2010 ~ Problems of Executive Function

September 21st, 2010, Dr. Rochelle Manor, Ph.D., co-founder of B.R.A.I.N.S., (Behavioral Resources and Institute for Neuropsychological Services), will be presenting: "Problems of Executive Function."  

"How can my child spend all evening on his homework, but then forget to turn it in the next day?"  

"Why doesn't my 5th grade son use cursive writing when he writes reports, or tie his shoes?  Is he just lazy?"
   "Why does she make so many careless mistakes?" 

Whether a child has AD/HD, Asperger's Syndrome, or a Learning Disability, even a child with a high IQ  may not do very well in school if they have a processing problem.  

Dr. Manor says we are wrong to assume that our goal should be to just treat symptoms. She says being distractible and fidgety aren't what cause impairment; we must treat the whole person.  She says problems of Executive Function cause impairment and need to be treated, whether someone has AD/HD, Aspergers, or a Learning Disability, though they are often not even identified.

Chris Dendy says that symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg, that you still need to look below the surface.
Does your child:
Forget to turn in finished homework?
'Make careless mistakes?
'Lose track?
'Have difficulty anticipating consequences?
'Writing a report?
'Knowing where to start,
'What to save and throw out?  or with
'Knowing what to study for a test?
Do they know the material, but fail the test?
Executive Function requires being able to coordinate skills, not just demonstrate you can do them on a test or in an isolated situation.

October 18th, Interactive Discussion on Topics That Best Meet the Needs of the Group

November 16th, Tammy Finn, Director of ARC, will discuss "Getting Help for Your Child at School."


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